Category Archives: Articles

Performance matters?


Every year comes the winter, summer and the monsoon. In the same way comes the “performance appraisal”. Unfortunately many fall dull in this season in comparison to other usual seasons, for the obvious reason that only few (non-many) become outstanding or to be precise get the best performance appraisal at the end of the financial year. For most of the people the year round work is akin to a dog chasing a truck where the dog is never going to catch the truck. But why this kolaveri?

The ultimate endeavor is to reach the top three if not win the race controlled by superiors. But what should one possess in order to reach the top bracket? Hard work, smart work, dedication, commitment, passion, sincerity, honesty, discipline, punctuality, integrity, good rapport with boss, good impression in boss’s boss’s mind(Big boss), innovative and a bit of luck are some of the very few factors significant for performing well in the race. Doesn’t that sound like a simple pair of shoes with a price tag, Rs.4999 /- only. But that is how it works in a corporate culture (At least the oldies say so). At the end of the financial year, if one fails to make it to the top, his/her boss can always point out one of those varieties of options available as the reason for poor (Not so good) performance. The failed sub-ordinate stands speechless like a pre-historic semi nude man (impotente) against the ultra-modern and diplomatic boss (La poderosa). Little does he/she know that a “five minutes pep talk” is all that is required to convince him/her to get ready for the next race. Nevertheless it is better to be a dawg(dog) !

There are few notable paradoxes in corporate culture.
· If one works hard and stays in workplace after office hours, he is inefficient and if one works smart and completes the work well within time he is jobless & free.

· If one exposes his contribution or work, he is bragging and if one doesn’t, he is not working.
Vinod Kumar H

Posted by on January 30, 2012 in Articles, Vinod Kumar H




CORRUPTION – The term which should have been eroded long back, even without knowing glimpse of its existence, has become a fashionable term of the era, with its roots – strong and wide spread, finding firm grip deep in the history posing threat to mankind more than a century thereby protruding into the future making it dark as well.

Though there seems to be plentiful of measures to curb this menace out of the mind of people and few are overwhelmingly involved in the process of throwing out this evil term, the results and remedies are not as flourishing as intended to be.

The prime reason which hurdles, is the political supremacy of those whose are explicitly in want of power along with riches. Gone are the days when we used the definition ‘Democracy means government of the people, for the people and by the people’. The exact present is in the clutches of plutocrats.

“Power does not corrupt men;fools, however, if they get into a position of power, corrupt power” is George Bernard Shaw’s view.

Yet this cannot be the only reason for such an enormous rotten state prevailing today. Only when analyzing from inside out, the genuine truth could be hit, as put forth by Eric Hoffer,

“It has often been said that power corrupts. But it is perhaps equally important to realize that weakness too corrupts. Power corrupts the few while weakness corrupts the many. Hatred, malice, rudeness, intolerance and suspicion are the faults of weakness. The resentment of the weak does not spring from any injustice done to them but from their sense of inadequacy and impotence.”

The reason behind all this destruction and devastation does not lie with someone else or somewhere around but within everyone and everywhere around.More than caste, creed or religion the slow poison that is creating diversification among the people is ‘money‘. Now the cold war is between ‘haves‘ and ‘have nots‘ in all sector.
People have been brainwashed to be slaves in their way of living but decently, making themselves lost for the smell of money.The rational thinking of people is the only entity to avoid even a pin hole of adverse effect but the case here is completely reverse creating large pit falls for themselves.
This is not in any sense an easy task to be done just like that, unless and until, each and everyone is unconditionally willing to abide by the simple rule – surrendering ourselves against corruption, thus putting a full stop to the long running catastrophic disaster and continuing with a comma for the progression of human race globally! .
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Posted by on October 31, 2011 in Articles, Karthika Rajendran




Being human, we must be full of pride for we are of capable of turning all our desires into reality. Nevertheless, the whole concept remains a mystery as how many are aware of this. We can never sustain in the present changing world just alone with the righteous thought, without bearing in mind that every dream has to be accomplished before it is too late. The spark which serves for this attitude is ‘ BE inspired and aspire to BE‘.

The thought which inspires oneself should be truly realistic and not a mere fantasy. “Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you have only one idea” applies rightly to this concept. Rather than being star-struck or taking up the stinking idea of following the dreams of other personalities, it is always better to have deep passion in exploring ideas that is resting in peace, deep within each and everyone, because in one way or the other it will lead to the ultimate destiny visualized by our great leaders for the upliftment of oneself or society or nation or whatever it is concerned with.

From Swami Vivekananda to Dr.A.P.J. Adbul Kalam, all have been the strong driving force thereby contributing to the attainment of key note – developed India. In every aspect, the core of focus relies on none other than youth. Henceforth, it is time to think, think, think and plunge into action, marching towards the goal.

“If you only do what you know you can do – you never do very much”

Hence in order to show the world who we are, the foremost thing required is doing things that we are interested in, than with the wandering thought of whether to take up or not.

Nothing and no one can stop us from emerging if we are determined to take up tools for our assistance like self-awareness, self esteem, self confidence, self interest, self motivation, self improvement, self involvement, self trust, self determination and self will, all of which must be exhibited full fledged as though we are the overall possession of such things.
Serious attention should be paid, to see that we do not overshoot, else it would mess up with the entire idea.

Let us resurrect and project ourselves into limelight by idolization and achieving our very own dreams making an epitome for the generations to come.

Life is only once and it is true only when you are you. So love it and live it to the fullest but never leave it just like that!


Posted by on September 28, 2011 in Articles, Karthika Rajendran



INDIA – A country, some aeon ago was the dream land of the whole world. The country’s discovery, in terms of its geographical location was the most anxiously awaited moment by the people all over. The American native people were then called as Indian, as a result of Cristopher Columbus and others believing that when they reached the east coast of America, they had reached part of India by a new route.

In historical terms also India has got some valid proof which portrays its greatness among the white people when they came all the way to rule over us. Lord Macaulay made his address to the British parliament on February 1835, “I have traveled across the length and breadth of India and have not seen one person who is a beggar or one who is a thief. Such a wealth have seen in this country, such moral values, people of such caliber that i don’t think we would ever conquer this country unless we break the very backbone of this nation which is her spiritual and cultural heritage and therefore i propose that we replace her old and ancient education system and her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own they will become what we want them – a truly dominated nation”.

At the nick of this moment, Indians need to be aware of more than just the past glory of history and geography of our Motherland. Real time concept to be known includes India’s present situation, people’s mode of living, execution of duties by people’s representatives – is every thing proceeding in right way? Its in no way a fiddle-faddle matter when the issue is most sensational and burning one but the thing is who really cares for all this.

‘World bank warns of price rise’, ‘Confiscate money of Indians in Swiss banks’, ‘India will have to wait till 2012 for information on black money‘ are a very few dark lines highlighted in news papers that throws light on India’s dark side. Thus it clearly reveals India’s besmirch among all nations which incorporates day to day price hike of essential commodities, protests, scams, scandals and loot.

Political leaders are of the opinion ‘what if the world bank or reserve bank says something, we have safeguarded our own accounts in foreign banks’. Indians are made blind, deaf and dumb by announcing free compliments for each and every one of their vote. Within the period of 5 years they tend to forget what actually happened and by the time they start to realize about past years politicians start digging a brand new pit for next free compliment. And once again now the time has been ripe for them. Is this all what the so called Indians deserve for doing their statutory duty? Feeling of oneness is the expected requirement from all of us but it is dedicated to world cup cricket as of now rather than to this topic.

“Who speaks of liberty when the human mind is in chains?” – by Francis Wright is the perfect quote reflecting the status of our country and people. Looking for a conclusion? How do you expect me to give one? Is this a problem of a single individual or is it going to be solved in a day’s time?

As is the issue, so is the conclusion. But never be late than now, all over the world the situation is getting worser in countries like Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Oman, North and South Korea, etc. Expecting the positive change from all those concerned to prevent our country also from getting into the clutches of rebellions. None can deny of our blissful past, to an extent of boonful present yet how about future ?!? Better if we are never made to answer for the same as ‘baneful’!!!

Posted by on February 27, 2011 in Articles, Karthika Rajendran



LOVE – The one and only word,everyone including the child yet to be born in mothers’ womb to the one who may die tomorrow, knows the meaning of as well as experience its essence in one or other form all through their life. It has got wonderful taming spirit on everyone and also for every reason. It is the thing akin to education, ever when shared tends to bounce back enormously.
LOVE may differ in its way of expression as we receive in from our mom, dad, siblings, friends and relatives. All these could be the selfish one indeed, as we know that our life demands it and we can’t cope up without it anyhow. The real love which warrants mentioning, infact the selfless one, which ought to spring naturally from our heart, is the love we tend to show on our fellow humans. The scope of this point may even be narrowed into simple things like timely help, attending persons at an accident site, organ or blood donation, etc. Only, attitude of such kind wil pave way for achieving our lovable motive and make us feel exulted above everything else.
LOVE makes our life meaningful between birth and death. When a question is put in front of us, as ‘what is our part to be living amidst people even after our life?‘. The only answer which turns out to be self satisfying is, to render our best to love, love and love people throughout which actually costs us nothing. So people in all way should shun their their ignorance that restrains them making the best use of love.
LOVE quote by Mother Teresa has got ample reason to be mentioned here and it goes this way, “There is nothing great in this world,but only little things with great love“. To add to it, some other sayings like “Treat every other person just in the same way, you wanted to be treated by them” and “The true value of love can be seen by, how you are to the one who can return nothing for you” strikes the point to the core. So lets all feel privileged to lend our hearts towards selfless service of love thereby making love as the only reason that fuels the revolution of earth.
LOVE path, if it is the one we have chosen to trail along, make sure, in no way we will be left obliged because “LOVE BEGETS LOVE FOREVER“.

Posted by on January 8, 2011 in Articles, Karthika Rajendran



Oxford Mini-dictionary says caste is social class, especially in the Hindu system. But according to Indian dictionaries, caste is a golden key to the locker called vote bank or a gizmo in the hands of parents against inter-caste marriages of their children to show their power or society following nature. This tag has been attached very clearly to most of the social animals on this soil in the form of surnames, even though many are not aware of what harm it can or would do.
Whenever there is a division amongst people, it just signifies that one is better than the other or one is trying to be better than the other although all are equally good in advocating “all are equal” policy. Only extremely wise people do not give any importance to this division even after growing older (very important). Does caste measure IQ of a person? Can it determine the character of a human being? Will it be able to tell the financial status of a man? The answer is a definite and big no to all the questions. Then why still carry this tag of no use is a million dollar question to be answered. And this tag in many cases helps people to form a preconceived image about a particular person even before getting to know about him/her completely. Even today some people taking the form of a religious figure and representing a particular caste are cheating the masses and getting caught at last. One can argue that it helps in finding the suppressed people of the past and providing reservations for their descendants to come up. But then, upliftment of financially weak people is fine and a must. And perhaps quota system should be directly aimed towards this. Some people in this country are against reservation system. But they again would be justified, only if they are specific in going against reservation system just based on caste. The damage done to the society with caste is getting worsened with it being added to the excel sheets of Census 2011. This divisive force would, for sure, trigger many issues related to existing reservation system with the support of majority of people. And the day is not far when caste fights would pave the way for big demolitions akin to the case of Ayodhya.
There are many people in this country who say “I hate politics”. But if they are ready to say “I hate caste system”, maybe we all would get better politicians. The day should not be far when it’s going to be short and sweet Dinesh, Ramesh or Suresh instead of a big “Dinesh Ram Gopala Malik”.

Posted by on November 27, 2010 in Articles, Vinod Kumar H