Monthly Archives: July 2011


Calling Card

Keichu, the great Zen teacher of the Meiji era, was the head of Tofuku, a cathedral in Kyoto. One day the governor of Kyoto called upon him for the first time.

His attendant presented the card of the governor, which read: Kitagaki, Governor of Kyoto.

“I have no business with such a fellow,” said Keichu to his attendant. “Tell him to get out of here.”The attendant carried the card back with apologies. “That was my error,” said the governor, and with a pencil he scratched out the words Governor of Kyoto. “Ask your teacher again.”

“Oh, is that Kitagaki?” exclaimed the teacher when he saw the card. “I want to see that fellow.”


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Posted by on July 31, 2011 in 101 Zen Stories



No Water, No Moon
When the nun Chiyono studied Zen under Bukko of Engaku she was unable to attain the fruits of meditation for a long time.
At last one moonlit night she was carrying water in an old pail bound with bamboo. The bamboo broke and the bottom fell out of the pail, and at that moment Chiyono was set free!
In commemoration, she wrote a poem:

“In this way and that I tried to save the old pail
Since the bamboo strip was weakening and about to breakUntil at last the bottom fell out.
No more water in the pail!
No more moon in the water!”

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Posted by on July 29, 2011 in 101 Zen Stories


003. தினமொரு திருக்குறள் !!

குறள் 661:

வினைத்திட்பம் என்பது ஒருவன் மனத்திட்பம்
மற்றைய எல்லாம் பிற.

கலைஞர் உரை:

மற்றவை எல்லாம் இருந்தும் ஒருவரது மனத்தில் உறுதி மட்டும் இல்லாவிட்டால் அவரது செயலிலும் உறுதி இருக்காது.

English Meaning:

Firmness in action is (simply) one’s firmness of mind; all other (abilities) are not of this nature.


Love Letter written by Mary Wordsworth

A Romantic Love Letter written by

 Mary Wordsworth (1810) to the Famous English Poet William Wordsworth.

August 1, 1810

Oh My William! it is not in my power to tell thee how I have been affected by this dearest of all letters – it was so unexpected – so new a thing to see the breathing of thy inmost heart upon paper that I
was quite overpowered, & now that I sit down to answer thee in the loneliness & depth of that love which unites us & which cannot be felt but by ourselves, I am so agitated & my eyes are so bedimmed that I scarcely know how to proceed…

Written by Mary Wordsworth to her husband William Wordsworth. 

William Wordsworth



Open Your Own Treasure House

Daiju visited the master Baso in China. Baso asked: “What do you seek?”

“Enlightenment,” replied Daiju.

“You have your own treasure house. Why do you search outside?” Baso asked.

Daiju inquired: “Where is my treasure house?”

Baso answered: “What you are asking is your treasure house.”

Daiju was delighted! Ever after he urged his friends: “Open your own treasure house and use those treasures.”

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Posted by on July 27, 2011 in 101 Zen Stories



The Real Voice

After Bankei had passed away, a blind man who lived near the master’s temple told a friend: “Since I am blind, I cannot watch a person’s face, so I must judge his character by the sound of his voice. Ordinarily when I hear someone congratulate another upon his happiness or success, I also hear a secret tone of envy. When condolence is expressed for the misfortune of another, I hear pleasure and satisfaction, as if the one condoling was really glad there was something left to gain in his own world.

“In all my experience, however, Bankei’s voice was always sincere. Whenever he expressed happiness, I heard nothing but happiness, and whenever he expressed sorrow, sorrow was all I heard.”

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Posted by on July 25, 2011 in 101 Zen Stories


002. தினமொரு திருக்குறள் !!

பழுதெண்ணும் மந்திரியின் பக்கததுள் தெவ்வோர்
எழுபது கோடி உறும்.
– 639

கலைஞர் உரை:

தவறான வழிமுறைகளையே சிந்தித்துச் செயல்படுகிற அமைச்சர் ஒருவர் அருகிலிருப்பதை விட எழுபது கோடி எதிரிகள் பக்கத்தில் இருப்பது எவ்வளவோ மேலாகும்.

English Meaning:

Far better are seventy crores of enemies (for a king) than a minister at his side who intends (his) ruin.


Love Letter written by Winston Churchill

A Romantic Love Letter written by Winston Churchill (1935) 

January 23, 1935
My darling Clemmie,

In your letter from Madras you wrote some words very dear to me, about my having enriched your life. I cannot tell you what pleasure this gave me, because I always feel so overwhelmingly in your debt, if there can be accounts in love…. What it has been to me to live all these years in your heart and companionship no phrases can convey.

Time passes swiftly, but is it not joyous to see how great and growing is the treasure we have gathered together, amid the storms and stresses of so many eventful and to millions tragic and terrible

Your loving husband

(Winston Churchill)

Winston Churchill



The Dialogue 

Provided he makes and wins an argument about Buddhism with those who live there, any wandering monk can remain in a Zen temple. If he is defeated, he has to move on.

In a temple in the northern part of Japan two brother monks were dwelling together. The elder one was learned, but the younger one was stupid and had but one eye.

A wandering monk came and asked for lodging, properly challenging them to a debate about the sublime teaching. The elder brother, tired that day from much studying, told the younger one to take his place. “Go and request the dialogue in silence,” he cautioned.

So the young monk and the stranger went to the shrine and sat down.

Shortly afterwards the traveler rose and went in to the elder brother and said: “Your young brother is a wonderful fellow. He defeated me.”

“Relate the dialogue to me,” said the elder one.

“Well,” explained the traveler, “first I held up one finger, representing Buddha, the enlightened one. So he held up two fingers, signifying Buddha and his teaching. I held up three fingers, representing Buddha, his teaching, and his followers, living the harmonious life. Then he shook his clenched fist in my face, indicating that all three come from one realization. Thus he won and so I have no right to remain here.” With this, the traveler left.

“Where is that fellow?” asked the younger one, running in to his elder brother.

“I understand you won the debate.”

“Won nothing. I’m going to beat him up.”

“Tell me the subject of the debate,” asked the elder one.

“Why, the minute he saw me he held up one finger, insulting me by insinuating that I have only one eye. Since he was a stranger I thought I would be polite to him, so I held up two fingers, congratulating him that he has two eyes.

Then the impolite wretch held up three fingers, suggesting that between us we only have three eyes. So I got mad and started to punch him, but he ran out and that ended it!”

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Posted by on July 23, 2011 in 101 Zen Stories


தினமொரு திருக்குறள் !!

அழுக்காறு அவாவெகுளி இன்னாசொல் நான்கும்
இழுக்கா இயன்றது அறம் – 35

Tamil Meaning:
பொறாமை, பேராசை , பொங்கும் கோபம், புண்படுத்தும் சொல் ஆகிய இந்த நான்கும் அறவழிக்குப் பொருந்தாதவைகளாகும்.

English meaning :

Four ills eschew and virus reach,
Lust, anger, envy, evil-speech.